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Assemblymember Low Responds to Jeb Bush’s Use of “Anchor Babies”

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) issued the following statement today in response to Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush’s saying that “Asian people” were using “anchor babies” to exploit our country’s citizenship birth rights at a recent news conference:

“Jeb Bush's words are offensive and clearly show that he is out of touch with the Asian Pacific Islander community. In an attempt to make a vicious political attack on an opponent, he ended up digging an even deeper hole for himself. Clearly, he has more work to do to prepare himself to be Commander-in-Chief. Gov. Bush needs to retract his statement and give our community a sincere apology.”

Assemblymember Low Responds to U.S. Supreme Court’s Ruling on Marriage Equality

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) issued the following statement after the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which ruled in favor of marriage equality on a 5-4 vote:

“The U.S. Supreme Court ruling is a victory and celebration for all who stand for equal justice and equal opportunity. The California Supreme Court has already allowed same-sex marriage in our state, and this morning's ruling just reaffirms the hope and promise that all people could marry. This is a great day in the country and today, we stand on the right side of history. Love is love.”


Assemblymember Low Responds to Court’s Ruling on Initiative Proposal

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) issued the following statement today after Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Raymond Cadei relieved Attorney General Kamala Harris of her duty to prepare a title and summary for the “Sodomite Suppression Act” ballot initiative proposal:

“I am pleased to hear that the Superior Court has agreed with Attorney General Harris’ decision not to issue a title and summary for the Sodomite Suppression Act. The initiative is hateful, attacks innocent people, and if relief was granted, it would have been a waste of state resources. I applaud Attorney General Harris on her leadership on this issue. While the court’s ruling on this egregious initiative proposal is both legally and morally the right action to take, the events bring attention to the need to reform the initiative process.”