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Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens Recognizes Assembly District 26 Woman of the Year Angelica Ramos-Allen at Luncheon in San Jose

SAN JOSE — Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens (D-Silicon Valley) will be recognizing the District 26 Woman of the Year Angelica Ramos-Allen, Director of Policy & Communications for Grail Family Services, and President of the National Women’s Political Caucus of California, as well as celebrating women in leadership at a luncheon in San Jose.

WHAT: District 26’s 2025 Woman of the Year Luncheon...

Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens Introduces Bill Expanding California College Promise Program to Allow Community Colleges to Waive Fees for All Students for First Two Years, Availing Fee Waivers for Part-time Students

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens (D-Silicon Valley) introduced AB 537 to remove the requirement that California community college students be enrolled full-time to benefit from the California College Promise program, thereby expanding the ability for community colleges to waive fees for part-time students for up to two academic years. 

According to the California Community Colleges...

Assemblymember Ahrens Introduces Bill to Establish a Minimum $300 Credit for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)

AB 398 Would Increase Benefits for 81% of CalEITC Recipients, Putting More Money Back into the Pockets of an Estimated 3 Million Californians

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens (D-Silicon Valley) introduced AB 398, which would establish a $300 minimum tax credit benefit for tax filers eligible for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). Right now, the CalEITC ranges from $1 to $3,644.

The CalEITC is a refundable tax credit that benefits Californians earning less than $31,950 a year. Currently, most eligible tax...

Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens Introduces Legislation to Reduce Barriers to Higher Education for At-Risk Youth

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens (D-Silicon Valley) introduced his first bill today, which seeks to reduce barriers to our public higher education institutions for youth that are involved in the juvenile justice or child welfare systems. AB 243 will require public higher education institutions to accept an attestation from a local education agency, county probation department, or...

Newly Elected State Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens Hosts Community Swearing-In and Celebration

CUPERTINO, CA — State Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens (D-Silicon Valley) is hosting a community swearing-in ceremony and celebration in Cupertino at De Anza College following his formal swearing-in at the State Capitol as a Member of the California State Assembly representing District 26 on Monday, December 2, 2024. Hundreds of local community members and elected officials have already RSVP’d...

Patrick Ahrens Sworn in as Assemblymember for District 26

SACRAMENTO, CA – Patrick Ahrens was sworn in today as the Assemblymember for District 26 in the State Capitol. Representing the heart of the Silicon Valley, including Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, Cupertino, West San José, and Alviso, Ahrens is committed to tackling key issues such as affordable housing, education, and economic opportunity.

Assemblymember Ahrens said, “I am proud to be elected and...


Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0026
Phone: (916) 319-2026
Fax: (916) 319-2126

District Office:
20111 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 220
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408) 446-2810
Fax: (408) 446-2815