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Asm. Low Introduces Legislation to Fight Opioid Crisis

SACRAMENTO—Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) introduced a three-bill package of legislation today to fight the opioid crisis by addressing the overprescribing, diversion, and abuse of prescription drugs like opioids.

Los Angeles Times: California bills aim to tackle opioid addiction by curbing excessive prescriptions

Looking to combat the opioid abuse epidemic, a Silicon Valley legislator has introduced a slate of bills meant to clamp down on access to highly addictive prescription drugs.

Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) authored three measures meant to provide a better understanding of patients’ access to these medications, building on an existing state database tracking prescriptions in California.

“I don’t think there’s enough attention at the issue at hand, which is the system is not working,” Low said.

Sacramento Bee: Too drunk to drive? New California law could give you a free ride

It’s an all-too-familiar scene in Sacramento. A group of friends heads to midtown for a night of partying and drinking, but one friend has to miss out on the fun and stay sober to be the designated driver.

A new law that takes effect Jan. 1 may not only let everyone join in on the fun, but it’ll also mean more money for the bubbly.

Under Assembly Bill 711, alcohol manufacturers and licensed sellers can offer free or discounted rides to transport drinkers home safely through ride-sharing services, taxicabs or other ride providers.

San Francisco Chronicle: Advocates hope focus on sex harassment means more priority for testing rape kits

SACRAMENTO — Advocates and lawmakers who have pushed to end California’s backlog of untested rape kits say they are hoping the national attention to sexual harassment and assault will drive efforts to pass much-needed reforms in the state.

And, entering the New Year, they are focusing on one area in particular: California has no idea how many rape kits are sitting on shelves in police evidence or hospital storage rooms.

“We want that changed,” said Ilse Knecht, director of policy and advocacy for the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national group pushing to end backlogs.

Bay Area News Group: Workshop helps bystanders combat hate crimes

Hate can happen anywhere—on BART, a school campus or while just casually walking down the street, says Assemblyman Evan Low.

The former Campbell mayor said during a community meeting on Nov. 27 that he’s heard plenty of stories from people who have been attacked because of their identity, whether it be because of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, political affiliation or a combination.

That’s why Low teamed with the Council on American-Islamic Relations to participate in bystander intervention training.

Assemblymember Evan Low on Net Neutrality Repeal

SACRAMENTO—California Legislative Innovation and Technology Caucus co-chair Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) issued the following statement today in response to the FCC’s vote to repeal net neutrality.