SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley), Chair of the Assembly Business and Professions Committee, will convene an informational hearing on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 to discuss ways California can leverage technology to combat the opioid crisis. Assemblymember Low recently introduced a package of legislation to address the overprescribing and abuse of prescription drugs like opioids.
The hearing, entitled CURES 2.0 and Beyond, will include an oversight update on California’s prescription drug monitoring program. CURES is a database that tracks prescriptions for Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances that have been dispensed within the state. Managed by the Department of Justice and used by physicians, pharmacists, regulators and law enforcement, CURES is regarded as an invaluable tool in fighting the opioid crisis. The purpose and function of CURES have evolved over the years, with a revamped “CURES 2.0” database launched in 2016.
The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the opioid crisis and CURES’ role in addressing it, explore patient privacy in the database, and determine what may be done to improve the system. An agenda and background paper are available on the Business and Professions Committee website.
WHAT: Informational hearing regarding the utilization, efficacy and future role of the CURES database in addressing the opioid crisis.
WHEN: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: California State Capitol, Room 4202, livestream at
Dr. Karen Smith, Director of the California Department of Public Health
Dr. Kelly Pfeifer, California Health Care Foundation
Tina Farales, California Attorney General’s Office
Brian Clifford, Department of Consumer Affairs
Virginia Herold, California Board of Pharmacy
Kimberly Kirchmeyer, Medical Board of California
Edward Kim, California Attorney General’s Office
John Lovell, California Narcotics Officers Association
Peter Bibring, American Civil Liberties Union
Veronica T. Bandy, Pharmacist
Dr. Lee T. Snook, Jr., Physician
Dr. David Redman, Optometrist
Dr. William Updyke, Chiropractor
Dr. Amy Matecki, Physician and Acupuncturist